In Sau Sakhi (100 Stories) of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, Guru Sahib have given us many gems of knowledge guiding us in living the Sikh way of life, attain self realization and become one with Vaheguru. In Sakhi No 12, Guru Gobind Singh Ji enlightens their Sikhs with the knowledge of five types of Sikhs/Sikhi. Bhai Daya Singh Ji, the first Pyara of the Panj Pyare, also the dearest friend of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, in their Rehatnama (Code of Conduct) writes that, Briefly translated, it says, there are five types of Sikhi, one based on dealings, one by copying others, one based on greed, one based on faith and one based on emotions of love. 1. Dhandey di Sikhi Dhanda means dealings. Here Guru Sahib tells us that someone practising Sikhi with intentions of making deals with either other Sikhs, or even with Guru Sahib at times. The reason why people become Dhandey valey Sikh, is so that no one calls them a Nigura (without a Guru). Some become Sikhs so they could get married to a ...
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