WHO IS A PARAMHANS? Paramhans means the Supreme Swan, but in the context of Gurbani, it is a title given to the greatest, most supreme Sikh of the Guru. In this article, we will go through what Guru Granth Sahib Ji and Bhai Gurdas Ji Vaaran say about the quality, nature and lifestyle of a Paramhans. Bhai Paro Julka crossing Beas River to meet Guru Amar Das Ji We look through the Sakhi of Bhai Paro Julka, who was a Sikh of the 2 nd Guru, Guru Angad Dev Ji as told by Bhai Mani Singh Ji Shaheed in their pothi, Sikha di Bhagat Mala. ਪਉੜੀ ੧੫ : ਦੂਸਰੀ ਪਾਤਸ਼ਾਹੀ ਦੇ ਸਿੱਖ Sikhs of the second Guru ਪਾਰੋ ਜੁਲਕਾ ਪਰਮਹੰਸੁ ਪੂਰੈ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਕਿਰਪਾ ਧਾਰੀ। Bhai Paro Julka was a Sikh of supreme state (Paramhans), on whom the Guru showered grace. ...
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