Part 1 - Understanding life and death
Life is just one breath. We think that our whole existence would be life, but truly, it takes one breath at a time to live. Gurbani says,
‘We are human beings of the briefest moment; we do not know the appointed time of our departure.’
Life is there when we are living in the present moment. Each breath we take, is a new life, as we decide what to do with each breath we take. We can either make this life fruitful being compassionate (remembering God) in every breath, or we waste this life by indulging in falsehood (hatred) that won’t even go with us when we die. Gurbani says,
‘Fareed, if I had known that
I had so few sesame seeds,
I would have been more
careful with them in my hands.’

The sesame seeds are our breaths. If we know that we have limited time in this world, then why not value each seed of breath and make it meaningful?
We need to understand the purpose of life. We are given this life so the soul could unite back with the Prime Soul, God. It can take one life, or it can take many lives. If one does not achieve liberation in this life, then the soul returns through the reincarnation cycle.
Death comes to everything that is created. Gurbani says,
‘Whoever has come, shall depart; all shall have their turn.’
'Death does not ask the time; it does not ask the date or the day of the week.'
A common way to understand what death is like is sleep. When we are sleeping, for that few hours, we are not aware of what is happening around us. Gurbani says,
‘The whole world is asleep, it dies, and comes and goes in the cycle of reincarnation.’
There is fear of death for those who are living in duality that this world and body is real. We are scared of death when we think we have accomplished something in the life, and we are a separate entity from God. Once a person understands this, then he is beyond life and death. Then, there is no fear of death for that Gurmukh.
‘Meditating, meditating in the remembrance of the Lord, I am rid of the fear of death.’
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