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Showing posts from August, 2018

Four types of Dukh (Suffering) by Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Four types of Dukh (Suffering) mentioned by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Guru Granth Sahib Ji. mlwr mhlw 1 ] Malaar, First Mehl : duKu vyCoVw ieku duKu BUK ] Dukh Veshora Ek Dukh Bhookh || ieku duKu skqvwr jmdUq ] Ek Dukh Sakatvaar Jamdoot || ieku duKu rogu lgY qin Dwie ] Ek Dhukh Rog Lagai Tan Dhaae || vYd n Boly dwrU lwie ]1] Vaid N Bhole Daaroo Laae ||1|| This Shabad tells us the four types of pain/sufferings.  The first -   Dukh Veshora Dukh = Suffering Veshora = Separation In this phrase, Guru Sahib tells us, the first suffering or pain is pain of separation. A mother is in pain when separated from her child. A wife is in pain when separated from her husband. A king is in pain when separated from his throne. What happens then? One feels lonely. One then cries, wails, sometimes goes into depression due to separation.  What kind of separation is the ultimate separation though? Separation from Vaheguru. When we are sep...

Spiritual Advice by Guru Angad Dev Ji

SPIRITUAL ADVICE BY GURU ANGAD DEV JI 1. Read and listen to bani with faith. 2. Do keertan by yourself. 3. Not to waste time without Naam. Do SIMRAN with every breath. Do not spend time on fruitless activity. 4. Put one's consciousness at Guru's feet. Sense SANGAT with dedication. 5. Have a giving attitude and forsake the desire to take and seize. 6. Go to Gurdwara to listen to keertan and do SEVA. 7. Consider yourself the slave of Vaheguru. Everything is His and His gifts to you. 8. Know Vaheguru as your best friend. Friends will never hurt you. 9. Submit everything to Vaheguru, even yourself as sacrifice and have no attachment to anything. DHAN GURU ANGAD DEV JI MAHARAJ -END-

Life After Death Part 3- The concept of hell and heaven

Part 3 - The concept of hell and heaven Gurbani has confirmed the reality of heaven and hell. But heaven and hell are not the ultimate places in Sikhi. Gurbani gives the perspective of heaven and hell in this world and also hereafter. Gurbani says, ‘Not anyone should think she/he would receive honor hereafter - because s/he thinks so; she/he will be treated according to deeds.’ ‘By mere talk, people do not earn passage to Heaven. Salvation comes only from the practice of Truth..’ Gurbani says that heaven is where the remembrance of God is. ‘Heaven is where the Naam is chanted. All bliss comes, when one obtains the Blessed Vision of the Lord.’ ‘Liberation and heaven are found in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; his humble servant finds the home of the Lord.' Gurbani then says that hell is when the soul is stuck in the reincarnation cycle of birth and death.   ‘One who turns away from God suffers the hell of 84 lakh life forms.’ ...

Life After Death Part 2- Reincarnation

Part 2- Reincarnation Sikhi believes there are 8.4 millions live forms, and scientists have also come close to this figure. Reincarnation is the transmigration of the soul from one body (after its death) into another body. The soul gets transmigrated from one body to another until ultimately, through the human life, it is able to commit good deeds and unite with God.  Gurbani says, ‘One who does not know the Lord who created him, comes and goes in reincarnation over and over again.’ The only escape from the cycle of reincarnation is through Godliness and remembrance of God, which is the source of bliss. Gurbani gives example of the life form we take due to our actions in this life in Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Thoughts/actions in this life Next life form Indulge in wealth Serpent Sexual desires Prostitute Attachment towards childr...