Sikhi believes there are 8.4 millions live forms, and scientists have also come close to this figure. Reincarnation is the transmigration of the soul from one body (after its death) into another body. The soul gets transmigrated from one body to another until ultimately, through
the human life, it is able to commit good deeds and unite with God.
Gurbani says,
‘One who does not know the Lord who created him, comes and goes in reincarnation over and over again.’
The only escape from the cycle of reincarnation is through
Godliness and remembrance of God, which is the source of bliss.
Gurbani gives example of the life form we take due to our actions in this life in Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
Thoughts/actions in this life
Next life form
Indulge in wealth
Sexual desires
Attachment towards children
Attachment towards house/property
Rememberance of God
Liberation of the soul
Science have also accepted the concept of reincarnation, as through the process of hypnotism, one is able to tap into the sub-conscious mind, and retrieve memories from the previous life. Dr Gerald Netherton, who was raised as a fundamentalist Methodist, has successfully used past life regression on 8,000 patients.
3. Journey of the soul
When the soul leaves the body, it travels to the Court of the Dharamraj, where its accounts will be seen. All that will travel with the soul is the simran (rememberance of God) and karam (deeds) it has committed in the life. None of the worldly wealth or possessions would go with it. Gurbani says, what helps the soul is the seed of Lord’s Name that the person has planted in the world. That would be the only possession the soul brings in its journey to the hereafter.
‘Now, in the most fortunate season, it does not plant the see of the Lord’s Name, what will the hungry soul eat, in the world hereafter?’
What becomes the obstacles for the soul to unite with the Prime Soul?
The mind becomes a barrier for the soul to unite with God. It is filled with the vices (lust, anger, attachment, greed and ego). The journey of the soul is dependant on how the body has indulged itself in these vices. If a person has controlled the mind and through it the vices,, then the journey becomes simple and without pain.
4. Dharamraj (King of Righteousness) and angel of death (Jamdoot)
‘One who does not contemplate on Lord’s name, will be hauled up and tied up like a thief in the court of the Yamas.’
Gurbani says that those who in this human life, remain egoistic that this body and this world is real, they shall be dragged by the Jamdoots (angel of death) when they die to the Court of Dharamraj, the King of Righteousness who then deal with our accounts.
When a body dies, Dharamraj instructs the Jamdoots in certain manner to get the soul to the court. Gurbani says,
‘The Righteous Judge of Dharma said to the Messenger of Death, “Take this penitent and put him with the worst of the worst murderers.
Nanak speaks and reveals what has taken place in the Court of the Lord.’
‘As long as one is engrossed in worldly attachment, one gets punished by Dharamraj.’
But, Gurmukhs are treated with respect. Even when the soul leaves the body, they are invited with respect to the Court.
‘Engaged in Godly-devotion, one does not experience hell. Dharamraj applauds, and the Jamdoots disappear.’
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