Four types of Dukh (Suffering) mentioned by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
mlwr mhlw 1 ]

mlwr mhlw 1 ]
Malaar, First Mehl:
duKu vyCoVw ieku duKu BUK ]
Dukh Veshora Ek Dukh Bhookh ||
ieku duKu skqvwr jmdUq ]
Ek Dukh Sakatvaar Jamdoot ||
ieku duKu rogu lgY qin Dwie ]
Ek Dhukh Rog Lagai Tan Dhaae ||
vYd n Boly dwrU lwie ]1]
Vaid N Bhole Daaroo Laae ||1||
This Shabad tells us the four types of pain/sufferings.
The first - Dukh Veshora
Dukh = Suffering
Veshora = Separation
In this phrase, Guru Sahib tells us, the first suffering or pain is pain of separation. A mother is in pain when separated from her child. A wife is in pain when separated from her husband. A king is in pain when separated from his throne. What happens then? One feels lonely. One then cries, wails, sometimes goes into depression due to separation.
What kind of separation is the ultimate separation though?
Separation from Vaheguru. When we are separated from the Truth, from Peace, from Contentment, then we are in pain. Being separated from Vaheguru means we are separated from the gun (qualities of Vaheguru). How can we avoid separation from Vaheguru? By constantly remembering Vaheguru, through Simran, Seva and Satsangat.
ivCuiVAw guru mylsI hir ris nwm ipAwir ]
Vishhurriaa Gur Maelasee Har Ras Naam Piaar ||
The Guru unites the separated ones with the Lord again, through the love of the Delicious Name of the Lord.
The second - Dukh Bhookh
Bhookh = Hunger
In this phrase, Guru Sahib tells us, the second suffering is pain of hunger. A beggar is suffering from hunger as he has not eaten for days. He begs for money or for food just so he can satiate his hunger. Some would even steal or hurt others. This pain leads one to do anything just to fill the stomach.
Some are also hungry for wealth. They want more money, more possesions, more houses or cars. Their hunger is never satiated.
BuiKAw BuK n auqrI jy bMnw purIAw Bwr ]
Bhukhiaa Bhukh N Outaree Jae Bannaa Pureeaa Bhaar ||
The hunger of the hungry is not appeased, even by piling up loads of worldly goods.
Guru Sahib also speaks of hunger of worldly desires,
iqsnw AMdir Agin hY nh iqpqY BuKw iqhwieAw ]
Tisnaa Andar Agan Hai Neh Tiptai Bhukhaa Tihaaeiaa ||
The fire of desire is deep within; unsatisfied, people remain hungry and thirsty.
The hunger of desire is very deep in all those who have forgotten that the only one who can satiate our hunger is Vaheguru. If we were hungry for Vaheguru, we would do anything to be one with Vaheguru. We make a choice, is it hunger for Vaheguru or hunger for Maya (World)?
The third - Sakatvaar Jamdoot
Jamdoot - Messenger of death
Fear of death
Those who are separated from Vaheguru, will have fear of death. Only Gurmukhs do not have fear of death as they know this body is just a vessel, and nothing is permanent, Only Vaheguru is.
hirjn hir hir nwim smwxy duKu jnm mrx Bv KMfw hy ]
Har Jan Har Har Naam Samaanae Dukh Janam Maran Bhav Khanddaa Hae ||
The humble servants of the Lord are absorbed in the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. The pain of birth and the fear of death are eradicated.
pRB kY ismrin nwhI jm qRwsw ]
Prabh Kai Simran Naahee Jam Traasaa ||
In the remembrance of God, there is no fear of death.
These Gurbani pangtiaan (lines) are self explanatory to us on how to eradicate fear of death. Going back to basics - Simran, Seva and Sangat.
The fourth - Rog Lagai Tan Dhaae
Rog - Disease
Tan - Body
Diseases caused to the body
There are three types of diseases mentioned in Gurbani
AwiD ibAwiD aupwiD rs kbhu n qUtY qwp ]
Aadh Biaadh Oupaadh Ras Kabhu N Thoottai Taap ||
Their minds and bodies are diseased due to pleasures of the world, and their fever never departs.
Aadh - Disease of the mind - mental illnesses, psychiatric issues
Biaadh - Disease caused within the body - Cancer, chronic illnesses
Oupaadh - Disease from external forces - Nature, fights, attacks
What is the ultimate medicine for these types of diseases?
Guru Sahib says,
srb rog kw AauKdu nwmu ]
Sarab Rog Kaa Aoukhadh Naam ||
The Naam is the panacea, the remedy to cure all ills.
Guru Sahib has also given us the medicine to cure all diseases- Naam
Simran of Vaheguru - Remembering the one who is without any disease.
In the last pangti, Guru Sahib says, no worldy doctors can cure these sufferings, or get rid of the pain of separation, or satiate out hunger or cure our diseases. Only the greatest Doctor, Vaheguru can do that. The medicine Vaheguru gives is Naam. That's why Guru Sahib says,
myrw bYdu gurU goivMdw ]
Maeraa Baidh Guroo Govindhaa ||
My physician is the Guru, the Lord of the Universe.
hir hir nwmu AauKDu muiK dyvY kwtY jm kI PMDw ]1] rhwau ]
Har Har Naam Aoukhadhh Mukh Dhaevai Kaattai Jam Kee Fandhhaa ||1|| Rehaao ||
He places the medicine of the Naam into my mouth, and cuts away the noose of Death. ||1||Pause||
In conclusion, now that we are aware of this knowledge, let us go back to the roots - which is Simran, Seva and Sangat.
Vaheguruji Ka Khalsa, Vaheguruji Ki Fateh.
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