The greatness of SatSangat - Advice by Guru Har Rai Ji Guru Har Rai Ji was once asked by the sangat, 'Guru Sahib Ji, could you please explain the meaning of sangat?' Guru Sahib replied, 'There are three form of Akaal Purakh Vaheguru, Nirgun Saroop - the Formless Being Sargun Saroop - the Form of the Formless GurShabad - Shabad of the Guru- Guru Granth Sahib Ji.' If ever the mind cannot focus or connect to the Nirgun Saroop of Vaheguru, then connect with GurShabad. But if while reading Gurbani, the mind runs around and still can't focus then go into satsangat. If in the sangat the mind doesn't settle and keep quiet, then there is no other means. Being in satsangat, all problems will be solved. One asked, 'Guru Sahib, what is satsangat? How do you recognize satsangat?' Guru Sahib replied, sqsµgiq kYsI jwxIAY ] Sathasangath Kaisee Jaaneeai || How is the Society of the Saints to be known? ijQY eyko nwmu vKwxIAY ] Jithhai ...
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