![Image result for guru har rai ji](https://www.discoversikhism.com/images/sikh_gurus/guru_har_rai1.jpg)
The greatness of SatSangat - Advice by Guru Har Rai Ji
Guru Har Rai Ji was once asked by the sangat,
'Guru Sahib Ji, could you please explain the meaning of sangat?'
Guru Sahib replied, 'There are three form of Akaal Purakh Vaheguru,
Nirgun Saroop - the Formless Being
Sargun Saroop - the Form of the Formless
GurShabad - Shabad of the Guru- Guru Granth Sahib Ji.'
If ever the mind cannot focus or connect to the Nirgun Saroop of Vaheguru, then connect with GurShabad. But if while reading Gurbani, the mind runs around and still can't focus then go into satsangat. If in the sangat the mind doesn't settle and keep quiet, then there is no other means. Being in satsangat, all problems will be solved.
One asked, 'Guru Sahib, what is satsangat? How do you recognize satsangat?'
Guru Sahib replied,
sqsµgiq kYsI jwxIAY ]
Sathasangath Kaisee Jaaneeai ||
How is the Society of the Saints to be known?
ijQY eyko nwmu vKwxIAY
Jithhai Eaeko Naam Vakhaaneeai ||
There, the Name of the One Lord is chanted.
Guru Sahib here says that satsangat is the baseline and the foundation to capturing the monkey-like mind.
Another greatness of satsangat,
If every there is a challenge or trouble in life, Guru Sahib tells us to go into satsangat and with a focused mind, do an ardaas- and the problems will be solved.
![Image result for bebe nanaki jatha](https://c1.staticflickr.com/8/7499/15962704126_69c96b3077_b.jpg)
If ever Vaheguruji is not pleased with us due to our actions, thoughts or words, then Guru Sahib can help us to get forgiveness, but if Guru Sahib is also not pleased with us, then only satsangat can do benti for forgiveness. Because even Guru Sahib cannot say no to satsangat.
Satta and Balwand Ji, who were the kirtanis of Guru Ghar, were also forgiven for their mistakes through the benti of satsangat. Guru Sahib couldn't deny the benti/request of sangat.
We know the story of how Guru Arjan Dev Ji took the advice of satsangat to not accept the marriage of Chandu Shah's daughter with Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji due to the sangat overhearing Chandu Shah badmouthing Guru Sahib. This way, sangat did ardaas to Guru Sahib to not accept the marriage and Guru Sahib agreed to their request.
Guru Sahib says, in satsangat, the sleepy mind awakens and the sign of an awakened mind is that GurBani, GurShabad becomes sweet to them. Listening and singing GurBani becomes their food.
myry mwDau jI sqsµgiq
imly su qirAw ]
Maerae Maadhho Jee Sathasangath Milae S Thariaa ||
O my Dear Lord of souls, one who joins the Sat Sangat, the
True Congregation, is saved.
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