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Ajaamal - How a Sinner was Liberated

Ajaamal- Translated from Sri Gur Bhagat Mala Steek by Pandit Narain Ji

Ajwmlu auDirAw kih eyk bwr ]
Ajaamal Oudhhariaa Kehi Eaek Baar ||
Ajaamal uttered the Lord's Name once, and was saved.

Listen! Oh, Dear Ones! Listen to the story of Ajaamal. Those who listen to this katha shall not be tortured by the messengers of death. Those who listen to the story of the bhagats, will have love for the Guru in their heart.

Ajaamal was a great sinner during his time. Why was this so? What kinds of sins he used to commit? Listen thus to the story of Ajaamal.

Ajaamal was a son of a high caste Brahmin. His father was a priest as well as a minister of the King. He was a wise man and many used to praise him.

When Ajaamal was five years old, his parents sent him to study. The teacher who was teaching Ajaamal was also a very wise man. When a teacher gets a student, who is worthy of the knowledge, the teacher becomes very happy to impart the knowledge upon the student. Ajaamal could memorise all that was taught by his teacher. He had a sweet voice and whenever he used to read a mantra or a saloka, it would create such an environment of peace and love.

Within 10 years, Ajaamal was able to cover 20 years’ worth of education. Many scholars heard about this and they would come to meet Ajaamal.

One day, his teacher said to him, ‘Ajaamal, you are still a student.’
‘Yes, Gurudev, but how long will I remain a student?’
‘Another four years. We have to complete the four Vedas and Upanishads.’
‘Whatever your hukam, Gurudev.’

His teacher looked at him and said, ‘Ajaamal, whenever you come to me to study or whenever you go home, I want you to go around the town to travel and not from within. Do not enter the town, as you are still wearing the grab of a student. Listen to my advice and you shall not suffer.’

hukim mMinAY hovY prvwxu qw KsmY kw mhlu pwiesI ]
Hukam Manniai Hovai Paravaan Thaa Khasamai Kaa Mehal Paaeisee ||
Obeying the Order of His Will, he becomes acceptable, and then, he obtains the Mansion of the Lord's Presence.

Those who follow the hukam of their Guru will always remain in peace as the Guru has all the knowledge of all our karma.

‘Oh Gurudev, can I ask why you have instructed me to do so?’
Listening to his question, his Guru told me to just follow his instructions and not to ask more questions.

Ajaamal followed his Guru’s instructions. He would travel around the town and not through it. He would not speak to anyone. Few years went by this way. By now Ajaamal is 20 years old. Soon enough, he would complete his studies and be free.

One day Ajaamal thought, I should walk through the town today and see for myself why did my Guru forbid me from walking through the town. His mind thought this, but his heart kept saying to not go against his Guru’s hukam.

Ajaamal was won over by his mind.
His Guru forbade him from going through the town, because the town provides everything that would lure a man’s mind to do sinful acts. The power of Maya was very strong in the town.

mwieAw mmqw mohxI ijin ivxu dMqw jgu KwieAw ]
Maaeiaa Mamathaa Mohanee Jin Vin Dhanthaa Jag Khaaeiaa ||
The love of Maya is enticing; without teeth, it has eaten up the world.

The town had a brothel. The prostitutes would sit on the balcony and call out for the young men walking through the streets. Because of this, his Guru forbade him to walk through the town. A student is also like a child to a Guru, hence to care for the student is also a Guru’s responsibility.

After class, the Guru reminded Ajaamal to go around the town and not through it. Ajaamal paid no heed to the instructions and walked through the town. He was fascinated by the colours, the people, and the sound of the town. Ajaamal was very fascinated by the beautiful girls, talking to men, adorned with jewelleries and clothing that revealed their skin.

He reached home, but his mind was not concentrating on the studies, but it was going back to what he saw in the town. He could not sleep at night as he kept thinking and dreaming of what he saw.

In the morning he went to his Guru, who saw his eyes and asked,
‘Ajaamal, did you not sleep? Your eyes are red.’
‘I did Gurudev.’
‘Did you follow my instructions of not going through town?’

Ajaamal had already committed the first sin of not following his Guru’s instructions and now he committed the second sin which is to lie to one’s Guru.

Yes Gurudev, as you said.’
Image result for ajaamal
That day, he couldn’t concentrate in class. His mind was not at peace. The class ended and again he went through town and entangled himself with the scenery of the town. He went home then.

This went on for 10-12 days. One day, he was in town, and a young girl of around 17 years old grabbed his wrist and lured him to the brothel. They indulged in sinful act. He stayed there for some time then went home.

This went on for some time. His Guru knowing everything, still wanted to confirm things with his own eyes. One day, he followed Ajaamal on the way back to his home.  He saw with his own eyes the actions of his student. The Guru went home.

The next day, he told Ajaamal, ‘You do not have to come back anymore. Your education is complete.’
Ajaamal was happy and he went home. His Guru called Ajaamal’s father and told him to get his son married.

Ajaamal was soon married to a virtuous woman. Even after his marriage, he kept going to the prostitute in town. Soon enough, this was known to the family and to his wife. She was very upset. Nothing could be done to stop him from committing sin.

After some time, Ajaamal’s father passed away. Ajaamal took his father’s position to become the Royal Priest to the King. He had a lot of responsibilities. By now he has committed five cardinal sins
1.       To go against Guru’s hukam
2.       To lie
3.       To consume tobacco
4.       To consume alcohol
5.       To indulge in sexual activity outside of marriage

Even after becoming a Royal Priest, he couldn’t stop going to the prostitute. By now, he has fallen in love with a prostitute called Kalavanti.

The news spread all around town and it reached the ears of the King that a Royal Priest is committing sins and destroying the name of all the Brahmins.

Soon enough, the King called Ajaamal and asked him to explain himself.
‘I know it is wrong but I am helpless. I cannot leave Kalavanti. I am in love with her.’

By this point, Ajaamal has lost all shame and respect for himself. One who loses shame and respect for himself has no remorse and does not care about good or bad.

‘Look Ajaamal, you can no longer be the Royal Priest. You are banished from the state along with Kalavanti. All the wealth of your family will go to your wife and her child. You will not be given anything.

Ajaamal agreed and both him and Kalavanti left the town and went to the slums to stay with other untouchables. They became very poor. No one would help them. Ajaamal would hunt for small animals in the jungle, bring it home and Kalavanti would cook the meat. For many years they survived this way.

Many years passed, Kalavanti gave birth to 7 children in total. Bothe of them became physically weak, and no longer youthful as they used to be. When the 7th child was born, Ajaamal and Kalavanti names the child Narayan.

Bhai Gurdas Ji in their Vaaran tells us,
20 : Ajwml
piqq Ajwmlu pwp kir jwie klwvqxI dy rihAw[
Patitu Ajaamal Paapu Kari Jaai Kalaavatanee Day Rahiaa.
Ajamil, the fallen sinner lived with a prostitute.

guru qy bymuKu hoie kY pwp kmwvY durmiq dihAw[
Guru Tay Baymoukhu Hoi Kai Paap Kamaavai Duramati Dahiaa.
He became an apostate. He was entangled in the cobweb of evil deeds.

ibrQw jnmu gvwieAnu Bvjl AMdir iPrdw vihAw[
Biradaa Janamu Gavaaiaa Bhavajal Andari Dhiradaa Vahiaa.
His life was wasted in futile deeds and was tossed and thrown within the terrifying worldly ocean.

iCA puq jwey vysuAw pwpW dy Pl ieCy lihAw[
Chhia Pout Jaaay Vaysuaa Paapaa Day Phal Ichhay Lahiaa.
While with the prostitute, he became the father of six sons. As a result of her bad deeds they all became dangerous robbers.

puqu aupMnW sqvW nwau Drx no iciq aumihAw[
Poutu Oupannaan Satavaan Naau Dharan No Chiti Oumahiaa.
A seventh son was born and he began to consider a name for the child.

gurU duAwrY jwie kY gurmuiK nwau nrwiexu kihAw[
Guroo Duaarai Jaai Kai Guramoukhi Naau Naraainu Kahiaa.
He visited the Guru who named his son Narayan (a name for God).

After the birth of the seventh son, both Kalavanti and Ajaamal started having regrets in their minds of all their past actions. Kalavanti wanted to seek forgiveness. She was wondering how she could repent. She would see the sadhus passing by her hut and hope that some sadhus would come and save them.

One day, such happened. Two sadhus came to Ajaamal’s hut, asking for shelter and food. Kalavanti was very happy, but then she was sad because she has nothing to offer them, as they are vegetarian, and all Ajaamal and the family would eat is animal’s meat. She spoke to Ajaamal and then agreed not to cook meat that day. They would serve rock sugar and boiled nuts to the sadhus.

Kalavanti pleads to the sadhus, ‘Oh Sadhus, we only have this much to offer. We are poor and sinners. Please pray for us that may God forgive our sins.’

The sadhus told them both, ‘We have seen your past and what you have done. Your seventh child has been given the name Narayan, this is a sign from God. Call for Narayan all the time. One day Narayan will surely listen to your calling.’

The sadhus left, and Ajaamal started spending more time with Narayan. He would call out his name, ‘Come and eat, Narayan. Do drink some milk, Narayan.’

Time passed by. Ajaamal fell sick and he knew his time was coming.

Bhai Gurdas Ji continues in their vaaran,

AMqkwl jmdUq vyiK puq nrwiexu bolY CihAw[
Antakaal Jamadoot Vaykhi Pout Naraainu Bolai Chhahiaa.
At the end of his life, seeing the messengers of death Ajamil cried for Narayan.

jmgx mwry hir jnW gieAw surg jmufMfu n sihAw[
Jamagan Maaray Hari Janaan Gaiaa Surag Jamu Dandu N Sahiaa.
The name of God made the death messengers take to their heels. Ajamil went to heaven and did not suffer the beatings from the club of the messengers of death.

nwie ley duKu fyrw FihAw ]20]
Naai Laay Doukhu Dayraa Ddhahiaa ||20||
Utterance of Name of the Lord dispels all sorrow.

Ajaamal saw the messengers of death around him. They looked so scary and hideous. He saw the glimpse of hell and was scared. He cried out for Narayan and hearing the name of God, the messengers of death ran away. Instead, Ajaamal went to heaven and didn’t suffer anymore.

AMiq kwil nwrwiexu ismrY AYsI icMqw mih jy mrY ]
Anth Kaal Naaraaein Simarai Aisee Chinthaa Mehi Jae Marai ||
At the very last moment, one who thinks of the Lord, and dies in such thoughts,

bdiq iqlocnu qy nr mukqw pIqµbru vw ky irdY bsY ]5]2]
Badhath Thilochan Thae Nar Mukathaa Peethanbar Vaa Kae Ridhai Basai ||5||2||
Says Trilochan, that man shall be liberated; the Lord shall abide in his heart. ||5||2||



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