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What Is My Life Purpose And How Do I Achieve It? In Remembrance Of Bhai Jagraj Singh Ji

A conversation between Guru Gobind Singh Ji and Madan Nath

Translated from Sau Sakhi (100 Stories)
Dedicated to Bhai Jagraj Singh Ji, who achieved his purpose. 

Bhai Jagraj Singh Ji - Founder of Everythings 13 - Basics of Sikhi

Questions asked by Madan Nath Ji and Answered by Guru Gobind Singh Ji 

Q: What is the purpose of a human life?
A: To attain and become one with Akaal Purakh (The Timeless Being/Vaheguru)

Q: How do I attain Akaal Purakh?
A: By gaining to knowledge of Akaal Purakh, by gaining the understanding and secret of The Creator.

Q: How do I obtain the Giaan (Knowledge) of Akaal Purakh?
A: Giaan can only be obtained through Prema Bhagtee (Devotional/Loving Worship- where one completely self-surrender to the Loved One)

There are 9 types of Bhagtee (Worship) 
1. Sravan - listening to the praises of The Beloved
2. Kirtan - Singing the praises of The Beloved
3. Simran - Remembering The Beloved
4. Paad Seva - Doing service at the feet of The Beloved
5. Archana - To serve The Beloved with flowers, perfumes, essence sticks, sandalwood etc
6. Dasa - Being a servant to The Beloved
7. Sakhapan - Having a friendship relation with The Beloved
8. Bandana- Bowing down to The Beloved
9. Atma Nivedan/Sarab Nivedan - Complete surrender of body mind and soul to The Beloved

None of these Bhagtee is can happen if there is no Prem (Love) for The Beloved.

Q: How can I be have the fortune of reaching the state of Prema Bhagtee?
A: Through Naam Simran (Remembrance of Naam) and doing Abhiyaas (Constant Practise/Repetiton)

Q: How do I gain the excitement and faith to do Naam Simran (Remembrance of Naam)?
A: Read the Bani of the Guru, understand the meaning of Gurbani and apply the teachings of the Guru in your life. While doing so, keep your Rehat as given by the Guru. Refrain from committing any sin, stay away from evil. 

Q: To be able to walk on the path of Hukam (Will of The One) based on Gurbani, and to be able to apply the teachings of the Guru, how can I overcome the filth of the mind and the ego trap in me?
A: There are three ways to clean the mind of its filth, and to save ourselves from the ego trap;

1: Sewa (Selfless service)

2. To do Worship of Akaal Purakh -One must not separate from the physical world, Kalyug. Stay within the world, yet devote yourself to Akaal Purakh. By separating ourselves from the world, the conscious mind would not be able to fight against the challenges of the world, and gain victory. Without worldly challenges, how can one get the mental strength, and without mental strength, how can the mind fight the 5 evil vices and control them? That is why, Gurbani says, 

Another pangti by Guru Nanak Dev Ji, 

3. Never isolate yourselves and meditate in the jungles. 

This is the path of Mukti (Liberation), forsake the worship of all other gods and goddesses, and focus only on Akaal Purakh (The Timeless Being). Love, and only love, and make your aim to attain Them. And to be able to love, practise Naam Simran. Your life shall become worthwhile. Keep a high moral conduct and learn the knowledge of the House of the Guru. Be an example to others. Dedicate your life to sacrificing for others, this is sewa, from which ego and pride can be destroyed, and you shall attain  and become one with Akaal Purakh. 



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