Ram Chandr Ji- Translated from Sri Gur Bhagat Mala Steek by Pandi Narain Ji

Shalok, First
rovY rwmu inkwlw BieAw ] sIqw lKmxu ivCuiV
gieAw ]
Rama wept when he
was sent into exile, and separated from Sita and Lakhshman.
Sri Ram Chandr Ji,
the son of King Dasharath, was one of the 24 incarnations of Vishnu. In many
parts of India, there are Hindu temples, where the statues of Ram and Sita are
The word ‘Ram’ is a symbol or
name for the Almighty Lord. The word ‘Ram’ as a reference to God is mentioned
many times in Guru Granth Sahib Ji. The word ‘Ram’ has appeared in Guru Amar
Daas Ji’s Bani and in Bhagat Bani.
Bilaaval Fourth
rwm nwmu rsu rwm
rswiexu hir syvhu sMq jnhu ]
The Name of the Lord is the medicine to cure all
diseases; so serve the Lord, O humble Saints.
Bilaaval, First
Mehl, Chhant, Dakhnee:
sic nvylVIey jobin
bwlI rwm ] Awau n jwau khI Apny sh nwlI
rwm ]
Truthfully, O young soul-bride, your youth keeps you
innocent. Do not come and go anywhere; stay with your Husband Lord.
Bilaaval, The Word
Of Devotee Ravi Daas
qU jwnq mY ikCu nhI
Bv KMfn rwm ]
You know, and I am nothing, O Lord, Destroyer of fear.
In Guru Granth Sahib Ji, there is a raag called Raag
Ramkalee, and in this raag, approximately the word ‘Ram’ appears in every line.
The word ‘Ram’ symbolizes the attribute of God, who is The Omnipresent Being.
Ramkalee, The Word
of Bhagat Kabeer Ji
rwm kbIrw eyk Bey
hY koie n skY pCwnI ]6]3]
The Lord and Kabeer have become one. No one can tell them
apart. ||6||3||
So, Ram, Vaheguru, Satnaam, are
all the names or attributes of The Primal Being, the giver, sustainer and
destroyer of life. To remember Him, and to know Him, is called devotional
The wives of King Dasharath had
no children. He organized a ritualistic sacrifice and from that he received
boon of heir. Soon after, four sons were born in his house. During the birth of
all four sons, the King celebrated grandly. Ram and Lashman, the two brothers,
loved each other very much, despite being born from different mothers. They were
the students of Sage Vashist. Vishvamitr, a great sage, took both princes out
of the palace. They had wars with many demons. Vishvamitr taught them how to
use different type of physical weapons (shastars) and supernatural weapons
obtained from mantric powers (ashtar). After killing all the demons, they
arrived in the land of King Janak.
When they arrived in King Janak’s
palace, the ceremony of groom selection for Sita was going on. The condition
stated, was that whoever could string the Dhanush (bow) given to King Janak by
Shiv Ji, will be the groom for Sita. No king could carry the bow as it was huge
and heavy. Sri Ram Chandr Ji was the only one who could string the bow and
while doing so, they broke the bow. This shows that Sri Ram Chandr Ji was
mighty and strong.

They won over the
heart of Sita Ji. She was a beautiful girl. Sri Ram Chandr Ji alongside his
congregation of ministers, kings and sages, arrived in King Janak’s palace for
the marriage ceremony. Alongside Sri Ram Chandr Ji’s marriage, the other three
princes’ marriage was solemnized as well. Sri Ram Chandr Ji took Sita Ji back
to Ayudhya. Everyone celebrated the wedding.
Whatever happens, happens in the
will of God, and no one can stop it. King Dasharath was very pleased with the
bravery and intelligence of Ram. He discussed with the ministers, and decided
to give the throne to Ram. The process of the coronation ceremony began. The
news spread very soon. All rituals and prayers began for the coronation
But, on the night before the coronation
ceremony, Queen Kaikeyi, whose palace King Dasharath lived in, pleaded in front
of the king and said, ‘Oh King, you gave me two wishes as a reward for doing
your service after your war with King Indra. Today, please fulfill those
‘Kaikeyi, ask what you want, I
will fulfil it. What do you desire?’ That time, the king was very happy. He
didn’t think that the queen’s wished could be a dangerous one.
‘My first wish is that you exile
Ram for fourteen years to the forest and second is that you make my son, Bharat
the king of Ayudhya.’ She said this in one breath, without thinking about the
king, or the people or the society. She showed her true colors as a stepmother.
Hearing this, the happiness on
the king’s face faded. He was shocked as he didn’t expect such words from his
queen. He didn’t imagine that Kaikeyi would be so selfish and adamant.
‘Kaikeyi! You should not have this much enmity. You should not have hurt my
heart.’ The king’s physical and mental state started becoming worse. He was ready
to die.
Sri Ram Chandr Ji arrived the
palace for the ceremony, but looking at his father, he stopped. Wondering what
happened, Kaikeyi spoke and told her about her two wishes. Kaikeyi said, ‘The
King couldn’t tell you because he loves you and he is afraid now. You are a
good son. You have to adhere to the command of you father.’
‘Alright mother.’ Sri Ram Chandr
Ji walked out of the palace, took off the coronation clothes and wore simple
clothes. He got ready to go into the forest. Sita and Lashman went alongside
him. Leaving the people of Ayudhya restless and anxious, Sri Ram Chandr Ji left
Ayudhya. King Dasharath died in agony. When Bharat found out, he became anxious
and denied the throne of Ayudhya. He went into the forest to meet his brother.
In the end, he brought back the footwear of Sri Ram Chandr Ji and put them on
the throne of Ayudhya. He served as a servant and managed the royal matters.
Sri Ram Chandr Ji,
after crossing the Ganges river, went south into the forest. Now, the forest is
in the state of Odisha. Here, Surphanakha, the sister of Raavan who was the
King of Lanka at the time, came to the forest. Recognizing the intention she
had in the mind for Ram, Lashman cut off her nose. Due to that, Raavan took the
form of a sage and took Sita away.
Sri Ram Chandr Ji and Lashman
went looking for Sita. They joined forces with Hanuman, and with his help, they
found where Sita was held hostage. They attacked Lanka, in which Raavan and his
sons got killed. The throne of Lanka was given to the younger brother of
Raavan, Vibhishana, who sought sanctuary from Sri Ram Chandr Ji. Sri Ram Chandr
Ji brought Sita back to Ayudhya and became the king. The day of return was
celebrated with lighted candles, which is still a practice today called
Deepavali. Some say that he ruled for 10000 years.
Ram sets an example of a good
son, and how a child should obey and respect their parents.

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