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Q: How do the devotees sing God’s praises?
sB imil isrIrwg vY gwvih ]
A: Sabh Mil Sireeraag Vai Gaavehi
Explanation: All devotees congregate and sing God’s praises with supreme love.

Q: How to obtain God in the Heart?
pWcau sµig brµgn lwvih ]
A: Paancho Sang Barangan Laavehi
Explanation: God is met (or obtained) by embracing the company of superior Saints, with one’s heart.

Q: How to obtain the complete fruit?
bYrwrI krnwtI DrI ]
A: Bairaaree Karanattee Dhharee
Explanation: Those who have internalised complete humility and grace, they receive the complete fruit.

Q: In this world, who is praised?
gvrI gwvih AwswvrI ]
A: Gavaree Gaavehi Aasaavaree
Explanation: The intellect that sings with depth and halts its desires, their praises are sung even by Deities like Parvati.

Q: How did unending desires die?
iqh pwCY isMDvI AlwpI ]
A: Thih Paashhai Sindhhavee Alaapee
Explanation: Those Saints who have moved back from unending desires, the world sings of their praises like (the vastness) of the ocean. Or, those who consider God to be great or vast like the ocean, and sing his praises, the unending desire s have left their backs. (Meaning the desires have been removed).

Q: How are the obstacles/pains removed?
isrIrwg isau pWcau QwpI ]1]
A: Sireeraag Sio Paancho Thhaapee
Explanation: The mind’s concentration was stopped from the five obstacles by way of Love for the Supreme God.

Q: How is Brahm All Pervading?
swlU swrg swgrw Aaur gof gMBIr ]
A: Saaloo Saarag Saagaraa Aour Gonadd Ganbheer
Explanation: God who is (considered as) obtainment of the House of Greatness, then He is perceived like the ocean and meditated upon. Or (God) is a Support like a house is. He is Knower of Greatness, Incomprehensible like the ocean. Deep like the cosmos and Immersed in all beings.

Q: Who is a warrior?
Ast puqR sRIrwg ky guµf kuµB hmIr ]1]
A: Asatt Puthr Sreeraag Kae Gundd Kunbh Hameer
Explanation: Those who practice these eight limbs of yoga and love the Supreme God, their eight limbs have become pure. This is because they have obtained this human life and used it to destroy the Ignorance who is the enemy and hence, became warriors.

Q: Who sings the praises of the Guru?
Kstm myG rwg vY gwvih ]
A: Khasattm Maegh Raag Vai Gaavehi
Explanation: The six chaste practitioners too love the Guru (who is like a cloud ) and sing of the Pure Form of Waheguru, Or, God should be sung about by loving the True Guru in the following six; Mind, Speech, Body and the three time zones.

Q: How can the mind obtain excellence?
pWcau sµig brµgn lwvih ]
A: Paancho Sang Barangan Laavehi
Explanation: The peaceful Mind, which is a part creation of the five elements, joins the sat sangat (congregation of truth) and brings excellence into the heart.

Q: How to obtain a State of Vairag?
soriT gof mlwrI DunI ]
A: Sorath Gonadd Malaaree Dhhunee
Explanation: The excellent intellect should utter the praise of God with Vairag.
Personal Note: Vairag:- To denounce all worldly things  right up to Brahm Lok (Brahma Devta’s world).  To remove all other desires with the exception of desire for God.

Q: Who are those that sing with a contemplative Mind?
puin gwvih Awsw gun gunI ]
A: Pun Gaavehi Aasaa Gun Gunee
Explanation: The spritually wise ones repetitively contemplate of the world as a form of desires, and sing the praises of God who is the form of Divine Wisdom.

Q: Do the Devtas sing praises of God?
aUcY suir sUhau puin kInI ]
A: Oochai Sur Sooho Pun Keenee
Explanation: Even the Devtas repetitively sing the splendor of the Supreme God.

Q: How did the Sikhs gain knowledge of God?
myG rwg isau pWcau cInI ]1]
A: Maegh Raag Sio Paancho Cheenee
Explanation: The Supreme Timeless Being is known by meeting with the Guru  who is like a Cloud of Love.

Q: How was the Mind arrested (calmed)?
bYrwDr gjDr kydwrw ]
A: Bairaadhhar Gajadhhar Kaedhaaraa
Explanation: When one adopts Gurbani (Guru’s Shabad) and arrests the Mind, then what fear is left of death.

Q: How did the Jeev (Atma), Eess (God) and Guru merge into one entity?
jblIDr nt Aau jlDwrw ]
A: Jabaleedhhar Natt Ao Jaladhhaaraa
Explanation: When the Mind was arrested after its Ego was subdued, then God, The True Guru, the Teachings of Naam and the Sikh were seen as One Form.

Q: Who do Shiva, Vishnu and other (Devtas) sing of?
puin gwvih sµkr Aau isAwmw ]
A: Pun Gaavehi Sankar Ao Siaamaa
Explanation: Vishnu and Shiva repetitively sing the praises of the Truth, Conscious and Bliss Form; And Krishna as well as  Ram Chandar ji too sing of the the Bliss Form.

Q: How many did the Guru purify?
myG rwg puqRn ky nwmw ]1]
A: Maegh Raag Puthran Kae Naamaa
Explanation: The rain cloud like, True Guru Nanak Dev Ji took a human form and purified unlimited number of beings, with His Love of God’s Satnam (True Naam).

Q: Tell us of a name of someone who is among those who sing of God?
Kst rwg auin gwey sµig rwgnI qIs ]
A: Khasatt Raag Oun Gaaeae Sang Raaganee Thees
Explanation: The five subtle senses and the sixth, the Mind, sing of God with love, and the twenty seven simritis as well as the three worlds, all of these sing with love.

Q: How do all desires eliminate and peace be obtained?
sBY puqR rwgMn ky ATwrh ds bIs ]1]1]
A: Sabhai Puthr Raagann Kae Athaareh Dhas Bees
Explanation: All devotees have been purified due to love, the eighteen castes or Purans, ten Avtars  or four Vedas and six Shastar (ten of these) have crossed the  the twenty Biswa world due to love for Waheguru or those who sang praises with love, due to the love, Maya’s Lord Husband has been obtained. They have been purified due to their fear and love. The saints have told their Minds their complete faith in God’s Divine Knowledge, and especially cooled (subdued) them (of desires).
Personal Note:  One Biswa is a measure of land equal to approximately 50 square yards. Twenty Biswa make approximately one Bigga of land area. In Gurbani, twenty Biswa means to completely have faith in Guru, just as it takes twenty Biswa to complete one Bigga of land area.           


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