The Story of Gautam Rishi and Ahliya- Translated from Sri Gur Bhagat Mala Steek by Pandit Narain Ji
Since olden days in Bharat India, there have been many ways to worship
God. The devotees of God would carry out different practices as how their
teacher would have told them to do. But the intentions were always to sing the
praises of God. Amongst the devotees, there was one who was called Gautam Rishi.
He is also mentioned in Gurbani,
suKdyau prIK´qu gux rvY goqm iriK jsu gwieE ]
Sukhadhaeo Pareekhyath Gun Ravai Gotham Rikh Jas Gaaeiou ||
Sukh Dayv and Preekhyat sing His Praises, and Gautam the rishi sings His
SGGS: By Guru Arjan Dev Ji on Panna 1390
It means that however Gautam Rishi has sung the
praises of Vaheguru, he must have become a beloved devotee of God. In Puranas,
one of his story is mentioned and this is how the saints tell the story.
Gautam used to worship Shivling-Shaligram. For many years, he did
aggressive meditation. Lord Shiva was very impressed with him and gave him a
boon. He said, ‘Oh Gautam, whatever you ask, you shall receive. I shall fulfil
your wishes.’
Gautam accepted this offer and was very delighted. He started spending
his days in meditation. One day, through his intuitions, he found out that the
daughter of Mudgal, whose name was Ahliya was going to get married. She was
very beautiful and every man wanted to marry her. Many deities like Lord Indra
were also ready to marry her. Many of these deities started fighting with each
other over her, and Ahliya’s father didn’t like this as they were having
lustful thoughts of her. He pleaded to Lord Brahma to advice the deities and
think of a solution. Brahma listened to
his prayers and summoned all the deities to a meeting.
‘Look everyone, Ahliya is indeed
very beautiful. But she needs a husband now and all of you are more than ready
to make her you wife. If this is so, then you will have to follow the code of
conduct of a Suambar (an ancient Indian custom of a girl choosing her own
spouse in an open assembly or through competition). Any one of you who can go
around the whole Earth in 24 minutes, and returns first, shall be the one to
marry Ahliya.’
Everyone was shocked to hear this, but eventually accepted the
challenge. Brahma’s and Indra’s sons were also very confident that they could
win this challenge. This challenge, they thought, was quite an easy one.

The race began. Gautam circled around the Saligram stone. Deities like
Indra were circling at a higher speed then wind itself, but everytime they
looked, Gautam were at the same pace as them. Everyone was shocked. Some even
tried to kill him, but it was to no avail.
When they help of Saligram, Gautam was the first to reach Brahma. Brahma
was pleased and decided to wed him to Ahliya. Upon hearing this, the deities
were upset and jealous with Gautam. Some even decided to steal Ahliya away with
their magical powers and strength. But no one could do anything in front of
Brahma. They left in dismay.
Gautam brought Ahliya to his ashram which was situated at the banks of
the Ganges River. He continued his meditation. The story of winning the race
spread fast and people were praising Gautam.
Suddenly, a disaster struck upon the town. Lord Indra was very angry,
and so it didn’t rain for many days. The Earth beneath dried up. The saints,
scholars and the villages were all in distress due to lack of food. Gautam,
upon witnessing this, felt sad and compassion filled his heart.
He prayed to Saligram and pleaded for strength so he could start free
kitchen to serve food to these people.
Saligram fulfilled his wish and soon enough, Gautam served food to
everyone. There was so much blessings that they never ran out of food. Everyone
ate as much as they wanted. Everyone was singing the praises of Gautam.
Indra’s rage grew such that he used his power to create a cow, such that
when Gautam touches it, it would die. That cow reached Gautam’s ashram. On one
side, Gautam was approaching his ashram. Gautam saw the cow and signalled for
the cow to return back, but when he touched the cow, the cow dies there and
then. The Brahmins saw this and started shouting, ‘Gautam has killed a cow! He
must repent!’ Killing a cow is considered one of the greatest sin as a Hindu as
cows are sacred in the religion.
Gautam found out that this was all done by Lord Indra. Gautam cursed the
Brahmin, ‘Go now! Your hunger will never be quenched. You shall remain hungry
for many ages!’ The Brahmins went home in dismay. Gautam stopped serving food
to them.
After this incident, Gautam continued living his life with Ahliya.
Ahliya gave birth to a baby girl who was not only beautiful but strong as well.
She grew up in the ashram.
Lord Indra still didn’t give up on Ahliya. He was determined to obtain
her, and all kinds of lustful thoughts were running in his mind. This state of
Indra was mentioned by Bhai Gurdas Ji,
18 : Aih`ilAw Aqy goqm
Ahalya and Gautam
goqm nwir AihilAw iqsno dyiK ieMdRR loBwxw[
Ahalya was wife of Gautam. But when she set eyes Indhar, the king of
gods, lust overpowered her.
pr Gir jwie srwpu lY hoie shs Bg pCoqwxw[
He entered their house, got curse of being with thousands of pudendums
and repented.
suM\w hoAw ieMdRR loku luikAw srvr min srmwxw[
The Indralok (abode of Indr) became desolate and getting ashamed of
himself he hid in a pond.
shs Bghu loiex shs lYNdoeI ieMd purI isDwxw[
On revocation of the curse when all those holes became eyes, only then
he returned to his habitat.
sqI sqhu til islw hoie ndI iknwrY bwJu prwxw[
Ahalya who could not remain steadfast in her chastity became stone and
remained lying on the river bank
rGupiq crx CuhMidAW clI surg puir bxy ibbwxw[
Touching the (holy) feet of Ram she was lifted to the heavens.
Bgq vCl BilAweIAhuM piqq auDwrxu pwp kmwxw[
Because of His benevolence He is mother-like to the devotees and being
forgiver of the sinners He is called redeemer of the fallen ones.
gux no gux sB ko krY Aaugux kIqy gux iqsu jwxw[
Doing good is returned by good gestures always, but he who does good to
the evil is known as virtuous.
Aibgiq giq ikAw AwiK vKwxw ]18]
How can I explain the greatness of that unmanifest (Lord). 18.
Indra was engrossed in lustful thoughts of Ahliya. Many wise people advised
him and said, ‘It is sinful to have physical relationship with a wife of
another. One suffers the worst of hell for this. One should not even imagine
being with another wife. You have many wives of your own. Do not deceive them.’
But one of the shrewd ministers advised Indra, ‘Gautam goes to the river
during the time of morning prayers. During this time, one should not indulge in
sexual behaviour. One sings the praises of God during this time. It will be
good to ask help from the rooster and the moon.’
‘What kind of help?’, Indra asked hurriedly.
‘From the call of the rooster, Gautam wakes up and when the moon comes
out, he goes to the Ganges river to take a bath. If the rooster call and the
rising of the moon happens at the same time, then Gautam would awake and go to
the river. This will be a good time for you.’
‘This is a great idea! I will seek help from the rooster and the moon
now. I shall speak to them. They will surely help me.’
Indra told everything to them and they agreed to help him.
Night fall came. In the middle of the night, the rooster began to call
and the moon came out. Gautam got up and went towards the river. Actually, it
was not the time to take a bath in the river, but he still went. While bathing,
the river spoke to him,
‘Hey Gautam, you have come so early to take a bath, while there is a
thief in your house. You have been cheated. Go home and check if everything is
alright. This doesn’t seem right.’
While Gautam was gone, Lord Indra took the form
of a cat and went to Gautam’s house. The reason he took the form of a cat was
because Gautam does not trust Ahliya as he knows many deities are after her.
Whenever he used to go to the river, he would ask his daughter, Anjani, to sit
in front of the house door.
When Lord Indra came, he saw Anjani at the front door, he changed into a
cat and went inside the house. Anjani didn’t pay any heed to the cat. Upon
entering, Indra transformed himself into Gautam.
Ahliya didn’t know a single thing. He started making love to Ahliya.

‘Majaar!’ Anjani said. Majaar has two meanings,
one means mother’s lover, and the other a cat.
Gautam went inside and saw Indra, looking like Gautam, lying down naked
next to Ahliya.
Gautam was enraged. He remembered Saligram, and cursed Indra.
‘Indra, you have committed sin due to momentary pleasure, your body
shall be covered with thousands of vulvae! You shall suffer and pay for your
Indra was afraid, his body started changing and vulvae started to appear
on his body. With shame he started to hide his body.
Gautam then cursed the moon, ‘You were religious. You gave light to the
world. You helped this sinner; therefore, you shall not be a full moon all the
time. You shall go through waning and waxing and you shall be a full moon only
once a month!’
Gautam looked at the rooster and cursed it, ‘In Kalyug, you shall make
you calls late in the morning, and no one will trust you!’
Once he had cursed everyone, now he looked at Ahliya. He cursed her.
‘Ahliya, you were a faithful wife. But now you have lost your intellect.
You couldn’t differentiate between your own husband and another man. You just
lied there like a stone. Go, you shall take the form of a stone and shall never
be liberated. In Kalyug, womanhood will be weak.’
When Ahliya heard this, she pleaded with folded hands,
‘Oh husband, this is not my fault. He took your form and I only saw you.
I was cheated. I am faithful to you. Please..’
Gautam then said, ‘You will be a stone for some time until Ram Chandr
takes birth in this world. When his feet touch you, you will transform back
into a woman and will be liberated.’
Ahliya left the ashram and went to the river bank. She transformed into
a stone. Many ages she was a stone, until one day Ram Chandr Ji, came to the
river bank and stepped on her. She was liberated.
Lord Indra came back to Gautam to seek for forgiveness and pleaded to
take the curse away from him. He promised to never look at another woman. Gautam
then forgave him.
Anjani was cursed to be a mother while being a virgin. She gave birth to
This was the story of Gautam Rishi and Ahliya.
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